Tag Archives: longing

Trying to be Thankful


     Being thankful this time of year can be difficult for those who are grieving. I know as I lost my son at 29 in 2010. I didn’t really lose him, he died, it’s just so difficult to say the word. It’s something you never thought would happen to you.

Last Thanksgiving was our first one without him. I wanted the day to disappear; to somehow, along with Christmas, evaporate into a fine mist. Thanksgiving slid by in longing, want and tears.

I had been dreading the holidays in December. I had never celebrated Christmas without my son;  29 Christmases in all since his  first one. More than with anyone else. It was tempting to hide under the covers and let it slip by, but I had to be present for my daughter and husband. My children had been only two years apart  in age, and her pain was as palpable as mine.

At the time she was still working in Key West, and so we were fortunate to be able to escape to new surroundings. The beautiful scenery though was inconsequential compared to the embracing arms of her boyfriend’s family. Because of the warmth they extended to us, I was able to enjoy the day.

And so, another year of holidays is upon me, and as sad as I still am, I am truly thankful for the love and support of my husband, sister, and friends. I am thankful for my beautiful, intelligent daughter, my home, and 29 years with an amazing son.